Easy Life Solutions

Solution for Vietnamese people by Vietnamese people
Because we comprehend your needs.

Visit us to know more

IoT Solutions

For a hassle-free life in Vietnam.

Smart Home
It's wonderful to be able to accompany you and build a strong home together.
Smart University
Collaborate with us to construct an informed Vietnam.
Smart Environment
For a truly green and sustainable Vietnam.
Smart Agriculture
Green fields, fruit-laden orchards are what we aim for.
Smart Industry
Vượt qua những khó khăn, khắc nghiệt
Vì một nền công nghiệp thật Việt


This is how we implement our principles.

Smart Clock

Smart Lock

Smart Control

Easy control at your fingertips.

The world is in your hands.


Cross-border multimedia. You just need to log in and control. Your ecosystem is always ready.


Not too big but still brings greatness. Open and touch, everything you need is there.

Visual Assistant

Always listen - always understand. That's how virtual assistants and we accompany you.

Our thoughts

We are always for you.

No one is left behind. Together, we build a Vietnam 4.0. A flat world, where distance is no longer an limit. ㅤ

Lê Danh Đức

Quyết tâm kì hè 10 điểm. Vượt qua chính mình, điểm số hữu hạn kiến thức là vô hạn nhưng em muốn tới hạn của hữu hạn. Vô hạn xa quá đi bộ mõi chân

Vương Thiên Đan

Conscious citizens.
Honest citie

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